Friday, June 29, 2007

hanging cameras from kites

: "These are pictures I took by hanging cameras from kites, a hobby I've played with on and off over the years. To get the camera to take pictures, I built a 555 timer circuit that, every 13 seconds, throws a relay wired to the camera's shutter button. I used a small delta kite (larger ones on the way) and a cheap $30 digital camera with a large SD card."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How to Make Bowls out of Vinyl Records - wikiHow

How to Make Bowls out of Vinyl Records - wikiHow: "You can easily turn any old, unwanted vinyl into a unique bowl! These crafty creations can be used for any storage purpose (especially as popcorn bowls) and make great gifts!"

How to Roll Your "R"s - wikiHow

How to Roll Your "R"s - wikiHow: "Learning to speak Spanish? Going on vacation to Spain or Mexico and need to brush up on your pronunciation? Living in Canada during 'Roll up the Rim' season? One of the major skills you'll have to perfect is the ability to roll your 'r's, known to linguists as the alveolar trill. It's one example of many trill consonants apparent in a variety of world languages. Sound like a challenge? It can be. Many people have trouble creating the rolling R sound if they have not learned to do so as a child. The great thing about it is that you can begin anytime and practice anytime, so why not get rolling today? In a couple of weeks, you'll be on a roll!"

The Historicity of the New Testament | Resource: The Historicity of the New Testament: "One of the central claims of Christianity is that Jesus of Nazareth was the incarnate Son of God who died on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity and rose bodily from the dead. Our acceptance of these claims depends on whether or not the New Testament documents are reliable historical sourcesjavascript:void(0)
Publish about Jesus."

Monday, June 25, 2007

Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace

Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace

Thursday, June 21, 2007 - Find free wifi hotspots and free wireless news at - Find free wifi hotspots and free wireless news at

The World's Hottest Job Markets -

The World's Hottest Job Markets - "To live in one of the world's hottest job markets, you may need to move to South America."

Free Online (Human!) Translation Service at Quoi9

Free Online (Human!) Translation Service at Quoi9: "Cucumis is a translation exchange service where translators can share their linguistic knowledge and help each oher online, earning points when they provide a service and spending them when using a colleague’s service. No money changes hands."

Theorem. Girls are evil

The komplex plane"On the proof of the supposed evilness of girls"

Dare to Be a Daniel

Dare to Be a Daniel

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Random Name Generator

Random Name Generator

Papers show Isaac Newton's religious side -

Papers show Isaac Newton's religious side - "The Newton papers 'show a scientist guided by religious fervor'"

Computational Thinking

Wing06.pdf (application/pdf Object)You guys need to read this!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Best MySpace Layouts That Don’t Look Like MySpace At All

Best MySpace Layouts That Don’t Look Like MySpace At All

Star Wars Atlas

Star Wars Atlas

Sex, drugs and dating make teens feel older

Sex, drugs and dating make teens feel older: "Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, with assistance from the University of Victoria, surveyed a random sample of nearly 700 adolescents from a medium-sized North American city and asked them questions about dating, sexual experience, smoking, alcohol and drug use. The participants, males and females between 12 to 19 years of age, were also asked how old they felt compared to their same-sex peers. Survey results indicated that, as is typical for teens, the sample felt older than their chronological age."

Guys - Act Your Age!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Baptism and Acts 2:38

Baptism and Acts 2:38

Friday, June 15, 2007

World Public Library Association

World Public Library Association: "Housed in World Public Library Multi-Terabyte server network is the world's largest digital archive of PDF eBooks and eDocuments. Our collection hosts more than 400,000+ PDF eBooks and eDocuments. As a member you will have complete access to the entire collection. Our collection is constantly growing. Our projection is to reach 500,000 by fall of 2007."

Feature: txt msg competition

Feature: txt msg competition: "Hpy RU por; da kngdm is yrs! Hpy RU hngry; U wl Bfild! Hpy RU sad; u wl lol! Hpy RU whn ppl h8 U Bcos of da Lrd! B gld&dnce 4jy Bcos a gt prz is kpt 4U in hvn."

The REAL Myers-Briggs Personality Types Made Relevant

The REAL Myers-Briggs Personality Types Made Relevant

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why?...Why Rob?

Why?...Why Rob?"If I can't trust Him in this..." Guys, this is how we should respond to tragedy. We should cry. And we should pray. And we should cry out to God...And we should keep trusting Him.

Championship Gaming Series

Championship Gaming SeriesMake sure none of you skip college, thinking you'll make it as a pro gamer!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to talk like Yoda (YodaJeff's Yoda Page)

How to talk like Yoda (YodaJeff's Yoda Page): "Talking like Jedi Master Yoda is a fun and easy way to make a joke amongst your fellow Star Wars fans. His unique style of reversing the words in a sentence are easily recognized by fans around the world." Challenging Believers to Think and Thinkers to Believe Challenging Believers to Think and Thinkers to Believe: "Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God"

How to Take Aerial Photos Using a Kite - wikiHow

How to Take Aerial Photos Using a Kite - wikiHow: "In some areas, the satellite photos available online (TerraServer, Google Earth, etc.) are 10 years old or more. With a $10 kite, extra long string, and an ultralight digital camera, you can take up-to-the-minute aerial photos yourself."

Christians - The Most Persecuted People Group on Earth

Christians - The Most Persecuted People Group on Earth: "Rising nationalism and fundamentalism around the world have meant that Christianity is going back to its roots as the religion of the persecuted."


GRUNGE INC. / LIVE-IN STARTUPS COMBINE FRAT-HOUSE CULTURE WITH VENTURE CAPITAL: "Living and working together around the clock certainly accelerates the breakneck pace of innovation"

Monday, June 11, 2007

MAKE: Blog: Make a Balloon Flinging Siege Weapon - Make: Video Podcast

MAKE: Blog: Make a Balloon Flinging Siege Weapon - Make: Video Podcast: "This weekend, make a human powered siege weapon. Using a human as a counter-weight and PVC piping for the structure, this catapult can hurl water balloons 100 yards or more."



Friday, June 08, 2007 - Phillip Johnson asks, "What is Darwinism?" - Phillip Johnson asks, "What is Darwinism?"

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel: "Lee Had the Rare Opportunity to Ask the Famous Former Atheist Questions"

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

In Pictures: Best States For College Savings -

In Pictures: Best States For College Savings -

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Reading Accelerator

Test Engine: "Speed Reading Test (Currently set at 400 words per minute)

Skeptical Christian

Skeptical Christian: "n this section, arguments against the existence of God are analyzed and critiqued. If nonbelievers cannot mount a convincing case against God's existence or the truth of Christianity, then the theistic worldview is much more plausible."

How to Win at Monopoly

How to Win at Monopoly - wikiHow: "In order to win at Monopoly, you need to bankrupt all of your opponents. With each decision you make, it's essential to consider the best ways to improve your chances and beat the competition. While luck is a factor in winning Monopoly, fortune can be fickle -- easily turning against you when your guard is down. Show no mercy."

BiblePro Web Version Bible software

BiblePro Web Version Bible software: "This software has Bible commentaries, references and translations designed to help students of the Bible understand better for themselves the Word of God."

Friday, June 01, 2007

Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus"Various questions about Jesus of Nazareth have often been asked by critics and sojourners of religious thought. Indeed, this is an important question for each rationally thinking person to answer if she is to conclude that Christianity is preferable over rival world views. However, in the wake of evidence for God's existence we tend to cease our pursuit of metaphysical inquiry. This seems to be the case because of our cultural contentment for believing in some sort of deity apart from any theological context. Religious belief is perceived as a "private inner belief" that is not a matter of public scrutiny. Although religious belief is certainly private this is not to say that such a belief is necessarily groundless or beyond criticism. The fact is the avoidance of a religious conclusion evinces an assumption that Christianity is not true. Is it the case that Christianity is not a matter of evidence but a "blind faith"? Is it the case that Christianity is not substantiated by any available evidence or is there independent evidence for the foundation for Christian belief? In this essay, we will survey what it means to pursue evidence for Christianity in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. The Apostle Paul once remarked, "If Christ has not been raised then your faith is futile" (1 Corinthians 15:17; NIV). This makes Resurrection studies a paramount issue, if not the ultimate radix, of substantiating Christian belief. Prefacing this discussion will be the role of history in Christian evidence and how history ought to approach religious claims. If an analysis of historical documentation does not prove that Jesus really rose from the dead in bodily form then we must concede that the Apostle Paul's condition has been met resulting in a futility of such belief."

Mark Regnerus' Forbidden Fruit: Sex & Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers. - By Hanna Rosin - Slate Magazine

Mark Regnerus' Forbidden Fruit: Sex & Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers. - By Hanna Rosin - Slate Magazine: "How religious beliefs do, and don't, influence sexual behavior."