Friday, September 30, 2005

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Wild gorillas seen to use tools

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Wild gorillas seen to use tools: "'We've been observing gorillas for 10 years here, and we have two cases of them using detached objects as tools,' said Thomas Breuer, from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), who heads the study team in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

'In the first case, we had a female crossing a pool; and this female has crossed this pool by using a detached stick and testing the water depth, and trying to use it as a walking stick,' he told the BBC.

The second case saw another female gorilla pick up the trunk of a dead shrub and use it to lean on while dredging for food in a swamp.

She then placed the trunk down on the swampy ground and used it as a bridge."

1. Even if this is tool use, tool use has nothing to do biological change.
2. If it was tool use, why would there only be two observations in 10 years?

Consciousness: the Inside Story - Podcasts of Maharishi University of Management

Consciousness: the Inside Story - Podcasts of Maharishi University of Management: "Consciousness "

Escape from the universe

Prospect - article_details: "As the universe expands, its energy content is diluted and temperatures eventually plunge to near absolute zero, where even atoms stop moving. One of the iron laws of physics is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in the end everything runs down, that the total 'entropy' (disorder or chaos) in the universe always increases. This means that iron rusts, our bodies age and crumble, empires fall, stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, and the universe itself will run down, as temperatures drop uniformly to near zero.

Charles Darwin was referring to this law when he wrote: 'Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature than he now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete annihilation after such long-continued slow progress.' And one of the most depressing passages in the English language was written by Bertrand Russell, who described the 'unyielding despair' he felt when contemplating the distant future: 'No fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought or feeling, can preserve a life beyond the grave… all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system; and the whole temple of man's achievement must inevitably be"

Without the Creator there is no hope.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

VOTE.COM | President Bush Says Schools Should Teach 'Intelligent Design' Alongside Evolution: Do You Agree?

VOTE.COM | President Bush Says Schools Should Teach 'Intelligent Design' Alongside Evolution: Do You Agree?

Core Group Follow Up - Sept 28, 2005

1. Listen to “Tactics for Defending Your Faith."
2. Read Strobel Ch 4&52.

1. Memorize the Cosmological argument (See Strobel Ch 2).
2. Memorize Romans 1:20
3. Talk to someone this week about the existence of God.
4. Continue praying for your teachers, fellow students and thatGod will use you this year, to point people to Him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

531 Articles on Evolution and intelligent Design

Google Search:

York Dispatch - York Today

York Dispatch - York Today: "But Miller countered that no scientific theory is a fact: Even the theories of friction and gravity are not 'fact' because in science, everything is subject to testing."

Monday, September 26, 2005

Icons Still Standing, a defense of Icons of Evolution

Icons Still Standing, a defense of Icons of Evolution: "Nic Tamzek is a friendly, though concerned graduate student who likes to debate intelligent design proponents, or 'IDists', as he affectionately calls us J. Tamzek has written a response to Jonathan Wells' book, Icons of Evolution (see, entitled, 'Who's the real fraud?' * (viewable at ''), which he, along with the help of others, prepared for Wells' lecture at UCSD. While we are honored that anyone would find an IDEA Club event worth taking their time to debunk, we are impressed with Mr. Tamzek's efforts to prepare and deliver such a comprehensive and well-referenced critique of Icons of Evolution.

There is now an internet version of 'Who's the Real Fraud?' which has been retitled, 'Icon of Obfuscation' *. It is different from the document passed out at Wells' talk at UCSD, as it has been expanded. This rebuttal contained here, unfortunately, is only meant as a response to the document distributed at Jonathan Wells' UCSD lecture, and is not meant to rebut the entire expanded web version (doing so would take significantly more space given the large number of internet links from which Tamzek bolsters his arguments on the web version) *.

Arguments for The Creator

  • Cosmological argument – How could there be anything if there wasn’t a Cause (God) who was Uncaused (Romans 1:20)?

  • Teleological argument – How could there be design in the world if there was no Designer (God - Psalm 19:1-6)?

  • Moral argument – Why would people recognize right and wrong if there was no moral Law Giver (God – Romans 2:14,15; James 4:12)?

  • Ontological argument – Where would people get the idea of a Perfect Being (God) except from God Himself (Act 17:27; Romans 1:19)?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

F.A.Q.: What's Evolution? Is It 'Just a Theory'? - New York Times

F.A.Q.: What's Evolution? Is It 'Just a Theory'? - New York Times: "Is evolution 'just a theory'? A 'theory' in science is a structure of related ideas that explains one or more natural phenomena and is supported by observations from the natural world; it is not something less than a 'fact.' Theories actually occupy the highest, not the lowest, rank among scientific ideas. ... Evolution is a 'theory' in the same way that the idea that matter is made of atoms is a theory. Is it true that there is lots of evidence against evolution? No. Essentially all available data and observations from the natural world support the hypothesis of evolution. No serious biologist or geologist today doubts whether evolution occurred."

After listening to Tactics for Defending Your Faith, how would you respond to someone who said this to you?

Friday, September 23, 2005

Evolution - Wikipedia

Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Faith Under Fire with Lee Strobel :: Rocket Pictures

Faith Under Fire with Lee Strobel

The History Channel- Ape To Man - The Evolution of Evolution

The History Channel- Ape To Man - The Evolution of Evolution

Apologetics Press - The History Channel’s “Ape to Man”—Tales They Will Tell

Apologetics Press - The History Channel’s “Ape to Man”—Tales They Will Tell

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Lee Strobel: The Case for a Creator—Student Edition

The Case for a Creator: Part 1

The Case for a Creator: Part 2

Jay Richards, The Privileged Planet: The Search for Purpose in the Universe

The Privileged Planet: Part 1

The Privileged Planet: Part 2

R. C. Sproul: Defending Your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics

An Introduction to Apologetics: Part 1

An Introduction to Apologetics: Part 2

Tactics for Defending Your Faith

Tactics for Defending Your Faith: Part 1

Tactics for Defending Your Faith: Part 2 Books: Not a Chance: The Myth of Chance in Modern Science and Cosmology Books: Not a Chance: The Myth of Chance in Modern Science and Cosmology

Read the reviews of this book (and the book if you can).

Introduction to the Scientific Method

Introduction to the Scientific Method

Pay special attention to the section "Common Mistakes in Applying the Scientific Method".

The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method

Monday, September 19, 2005

Many Scientists Are Skeptical Of Darwin

103 people with doctorates in science have signed the following statement:

I am skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.

See the statement and signatures.

Broadcaster Comming To Core Groups This Week

Broadcasters spread scientific message

David Fisher will be our guest at core groups this week.

Check out his book, Scientists Who Believe: 21 Told Their Own Stories.

Doesn't the fossil record prove Darwinian evolution?

[Fwd: Re: Covenant Eyes]

Guys, *please* sign up!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Covenant Eyes
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:04:34 -0400
From: Lynn McClurg <>
To: Brad Rhoads <>
References: <0f9101c5b4b4$0aa8e140$980e2945@cervc1opwk5k9u>

Hello Brad,
We would be pleased to offer your group their first month FREE and the
reduced pricing for an individual user of $4.99/mo reduced from $6.99/mo.
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(lower case)

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1.) All upgrades are always FREE.
2.) All tech support is FREE including our toll FREE #.
3.) Additional computers may have CE downloaded onto them for FREE.
4.) CE is the only service that monitors File-sharing, newsgroups, and FTP,
and can be configured to block any of those protocols.
5.) CE is the only program available that cannot be bypassed. If
uninstalled an email is sent to the accountability partners.
6.) We are releasing our new CE Filter that uses the same technology as the
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7.) We have completed a MAC Apple Covenant Eyes version and will begin beta
testing in about 2 weeks. A filter for this will also be forthcoming.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Lynn T. McClurg
Vice President, Covenant Eyes
321 N. Shiawassee St, Ste B.,
Corunna, MI 48817 USA
Toll Free: 1-877-479-1119 ext 6023 in the USA
Fax- 1-989-936-6444
011-01-989-743-1100 Outside the USA

"The Standard of Internet Accountability"

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Endurance, Encouragment and Unity Romans 15:5 Passage Lookup: Romans 15:5

Romans 15:5 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

5May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,

What do think the connection is between endurance, encouragment and unity?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Wired News: VOIP Phones Give Villagers a Buzz

Wired News: VOIP Phones Give Villagers a Buzz

I'm very interested in tech missions. I need to find out if these cool Geek Projects in the developing world are being run by Christians.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Scout Motto, The Christian Motto

The Scout motto is BE PREPARED. A Scout prepares for whatever comes his way be learning all he can. He keeps himself strong, healthy, and ready to meet the challenges of life.

The Christian Mottow is the same:

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." 15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander (1 Peter 3:14-16)

1. How does fear interfere with our responding properly to persecution?

2. What fears dominate non-Christians who suffer unjustly?

3. What does it mean for Christ to be Lord to you?

4. Why would people ask you for a reason for the hope you have?

5. How should you not answer?

6. Why would people slander your good behavior?