F u t u r e M e . o r g
F u t u r e M e . o r g: "create an e-mail to send to the future"
free university lectures - computer science, mathematics, physics: "free university lectures"
IntraSight: "The IntraSight™ Browser is a thin-client Analysis Services OLAP browser based upon Internet Explorer. Being AJAX-based, the user experience is much like a desktop application."
AMD's 50x15 Initiative - delivering innovative solutions in high-growth and developing markets that empower consumers to lead better lives: "AMD's 50x15 initiative is a bold and far-reaching effort to develop new technology and solutions that will help enable affordable Internet access and computing capability for 50 percent of the world's population by the year 2015. With the global population estimated to reach 7.2 billion people in 2015, there is tremendous potential for 50x15 to bring billions of people into the digital age."
Psychology Today: The Call of Solitude: "What's really blocking our joy in relationships, our creativity, and our peace of mind? One surprising answer, in this age of alienation, is a lack of solitude.
GigaOM » 5 Ways to SMS for free: "Sending free SMS from the Internet isn’t a new idea at all and companies have been developing the bridge between email and SMS for years. By now it’s a simple and easy service to set up and companies have started adding these services as a feature to bring in eyeballs."
Callback: "Just call your asterisk box with your mobile, let it ring and hang up. Asterisk will call you back at once and provide you with a normal dialtone"
Police rescue 91-year-old man glued to roof | Oddly Enough | Reuters.com: "A 91-year-old German sparked a rescue operation when he slipped mending his roof and got stuck fast in tar 'like a beetle on its back,' police said on Tuesday"