Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tom Cruise...Christianologist? : Soul Fuel for Students - Dare 2 Share Ministries, International

Tom Cruise...Christianologist? : Soul Fuel for Students - Dare 2 Share Ministries, International: " 'It's like, you could be a Christian and be a Scientologist, okay.'

I say:

'It's like, no you can't be a Christian and be a Scientologist...not okay, okay?'

Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom - you should probably stick to what you do best - acting and doing couch jumping/psychiatry assaulting interviews that make people go... 'huh?'

But definitely avoid the subject of Christianity, because by that statement alone you assume something that simply cannot be. To say that you can be a Christian and a Scientologist is like saying you can be a dead/alive person, or that you can be a tall/short person. Christian-Scientologist is the ultimate in oximorons. In fact, Christian-anything else is in the same category.

* You can't be a Christian-Buddhist.
* You can't be a Christian-Hindu.
* You can't be a Christian-Muslim.

Oh, you can say that you are, but saying it doesn't make it any more true than if I said I could swim to Hawaii . The words came out of my mouth, but the facts don't back them up.

And they don't in this case either. So let's take a look at the facts, so you won't ever be caught in the lie that apparently has gripped the Cruiser."


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