Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The SEO Blog: Google News Credibility Foiled By 15-Year Old

The SEO Blog: Google News Credibility Foiled By 15-Year Old: "Sometimes the most well thought out practical jokes trigger an uneven brand of justice that falls under the laws of unintended consequences. While not formally codified and ill defined, the law of unintended consequences is very real, as a Google-focused prank pulled by 15-year old Tom Vandetta amply illustrates.

Reading through SEO focused blog entries, Vandetta found an article that explained how to fool Google's news system by writing fake press releases. Sensing an opportunity to experiment and play a joke on his friends, the self-described 'Google fanboy' decided to see what would happen if he submitted a fake Google press release claiming the 15-year old New Jersey student was Google's youngest employee."


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